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(647) 408 – 5050

Looking to have a entrance in your side or back yard?

You’ve got some zoning requirements to consider, but no worries, we’ve got you covered!

To make sure everything is up to code, your side entrance must comply with the Ontario Building Code. The good news is, having one is definitely possible!

The key is to ensure that no part of the stairs, including the foundation wall, encroaches on the minimum required side yard setback. (In simpler terms, that’s the minimum distance your house should be from the side lot line.)

To find out what your specific minimum required side yard setback is, we can check your property’s zoning for you. With that information in hand, we’ll make sure your below-grade side entrance is good to go!

So, if you’re ready to make your side yard entrance dreams come true, let’s get started and ensure everything is in line with the regulations. We’re here to help every step of the way!

Below Grade Entrance permit drawings
Notice from the city