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(647) 408 – 5050

Curious about Demolition Permits?

A Demolition Permit is like a golden ticket – it’s a legal document that grants you the authority to demolish any structure that originally needed a building permit to be constructed.

When you apply for a Demolition Permit, we’ll carefully review your application to ensure it meets all safety requirements and aligns with applicable laws, including the Demolition Control By-law and the Ontario Heritage Act. It’s essential to make sure everything is in order before we give the green light!

Now here’s the cool part – you might not need a Demolition Permit for certain cases. Farm buildings like barns and silos, as well as non-loadbearing interior partitions, generally don’t require one.

So, if you’ve got a structure you want to take down, let’s get started on the Demolition Permit process! We’ll make sure everything is good to go, so you can proceed with confidence. Feel free to reach out, and together we’ll make your demolition plans a reality!

Demolish Permit Canada Toronto

Wondering when you need a Demolition Permit? Let's clear things up!

You’ll require a Building Permit to demolish any structure occupying an area greater than 10 square meters (108 square feet) or even a part of such a structure. Now, even if the structure waas improperly built without a permit, you still need a Demolition Permit to take it down properly.
In most municipalities, a Demolition Permit becomes a must when you want to completely raze or remove a structure down to its foundation. And remember, you’ll need a separate permit for each structure you plan to demolish. Before you get the green light for your Demolition Permit, we often need to check out the tree preservation information you provide.

Now, here’s the fun part – there are times when you won’t need a Demolition Permit at all!

Feel free to proceed without a Demolition Permit if you’re removing decks, porches, and other similar structures. The same goes for small sheds, small garages, and any space without separate utility connections.

Also, for exterior non-structural elements like paving and landscapes, a Demolition Permit isn’t necessary.

But wait, there’s more!

If a building holds historic or architectural importance and might be designated, or intended for designation, under the Ontario Heritage Act, you’ll need council’s approval for demolition. Here, there could be negotiations on how to preserve some of the unique character of the building.

In specific demolition control areas, such as residential properties, you’ll need a Demolition Permit issued by the municipal council before starting.

So there you have it! Whenever you’re ready for demolition, remember we, the Demolition Permit – PERMITMAN, are here to guide you through the process and ensure a smooth journey. Reach out to us, and let’s make your demolition plans come to life!

Demolish Permit in Toronto Canada

When you do not need a Demolition Permit ?

Permitman Demolished Permit
  • Removing decks, porches, and other similar structures

  • Removing small sheds, small garages

  • Any space that do not contain utilities with separate connections 

  • Non-structural likes paving and landscapes that are exterior 

Demolition of Heritage Buildings !!!

because of a building’s historic or architectural importance, it may be designated, or be intended for designation, as a heritage building under the Ontario Heritage Act. In that case, demolition will require the council’s approval and there may have to be negotiations over how some of the unique character of the building can be preserved.

In a demolition control area, for example, you will not be able to demolish a residential property until you have received a demolition permit issued by the municipal council.


Permitman Heritage Buildings Demolished permit
Permitman Demolished Permit Ontario Canada

The responsibilities of the City of Toronto under the Occupational Health and Safety Act apply to all our employees regardless of the location at which they are working. Responsibilities for the Construction Safety Regulations on construction sites are clearly spelled out in the Act under the definitions of constructor, employer, supervisor and worker.

The City of Toronto believes that the goal of safe and injury free construction sites is a priority for all parties involved in building construction.

Safety training for the City of Toronto Building Inspectors is mandatory. However the delivery of a safe working environment on construction sites must include the compliance of individual builders with the Occupational Health and Safety Act.

Safety measures include the following:

Temporary guards on all openings,
Correct use of ladders,
Temporary or permanent stairs above or below grade by the time the sub floor is complete,
Clear and safe access to the site,
Protection of trenches and excavation below four feet deep, and
Correct use of fall prevention equipment where required. As the employer responsible for the safety of building inspectors, the City of Toronto has instructed its Building Inspectors not to conduct inspections on sites where conditions exist that could jeopardize their health and safety.
Access to the site has impediments or hazards, or
Trenches or excavations lack required shoring or slope of bank.

Prior to calling for an inspection the appropriate safety measures shall be in place as a site inadequately

provided with these measures is not ready for inspection. The City of Toronto Building Inspectors will

cooperate with builders regarding the timing of making provision for these safety measures. However, if the

measures are not provided, an Order Not To Cover could be issued and the Ministry of Labour informed.

We look forward to working with you toward the goal of a safe environment for all workers.

Notice from the city